Thursday, June 3, 2010
Do you want to discuss the following topics at WAC conference?
World Antizionist Congress Conference Schedule
World Antizionist Conference (3-day version) |
Day 0 |
Staff meetings, volunteer orientation, pre-registration |
Day 1 |
7:00 - Registration |
9:00 - Discussion panel |
11:00 - Keynote speech |
12:00 - Lunch |
13:00 - Discussion panel |
15:00 - Discussion panel:
Holohoax |
Day 2 |
9:00 - Discussion panel |
11:00 - Keynote speech |
12:00 - Lunch |
13:00 - Discussion panel |
15:00 - Discussion panel |
Day 3 |
10:00 - Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
12:00 - Lunch |
13:00 - Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
15:00 - Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
17:00 - Awards |
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Debunking the anti-Saddam Detractors
Debunking the anti-Saddam Detractors
Dear All,
I'd like to reinforce what is being said here with a few remarks:*
1) right now, Saddam has reached a legendary status that is unrivaled on the Arab street. Never mind what the media has been showing you. At a time when leaders have been selling out the people, there stood one leader who preferred to die than sell his soul to Zionism and imperialism. He could have easily opted out by selling out. He didn't. He remaind through and through the only Arab leader to refuse to pollute himself with anything remotely connected with the so-called 'peace process'.
2) as it turns out, many of the alleged crimes that were attributed to Saddam Hussein were not of his making. For example, Halabjah, according to several official American documents, was the handy work of the Iranians. Mass graves, whereever they were found, if any, were the result of the Iraq-Iran war, and of the Iranian infiltration into Iraq in 1991. That is, they were the result of battles, not executions. In some of those graves, Iraqi Baathists who have fallen in battle are found as well. Moreover, those who went overboard in exaggerating Saddam's alleged crimes turned out to be eventually mere collaborators with Iran, the US Government, and the Mossad. The so-called Iraqi opposition that was blowing the horn on Saddam's alleged crimes eventually committed more crimes than what they claimed Saddam ever committed. In fact, their latter behavior shows exactly that Saddam was way too lenient with them and too many of them were still around to commit all of the crimes they have been committing under the watchful gaze of the American and British occupation.
3) moreover, the trash Robert Fisk wrote about Saddam Hussein in the Independent recently, is probably one of the last remnants of Zio-imperialist propaganda against Saddam, that he was allegedly at some point collaborating with the West. In fact, that sounds like a fine example of British intelligence propaganda that is meant to trash a fallen hero's memory. Get this, throughout the the Iraq-Iran War, Saddam relied mainly on Soviet, Chinese, and French weaponry, whereas Iran fought with American gear. Iran-Contra is just one example of hundreds of anti-tank missiles being sent to Iran to destroy Iraqi tanks. In fact, a study for the sources of Iraqi weapons supplies by the Stockholm Peace Research Institute showed that between 1972 and 2002 less than one percent came from the US and from the UK. The only thing the US Government gave Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war were satellite photos which turned out to be wrong. More importantly, these photos were NOT solicited by Saddam Hussein or the Iraqi leadership.
It might be difficult for those who have been conditioned with anti-Saddam propaganda to accept some or all of the remarks made above. But for the Arab people, Saddam has now reached sainthood believe it or not.
Ibrahim Alloush **
* Response to anti-resistance comments on an internet discussion forum.
** Dr. Ibrahim Naji Alloush is the Editor-in-Chief of the Free Arab Voice
Saturday, January 30, 2010
World Antizionist Congress

World Antizionist Congress (WAC) is a group of organizations and individuals who are opposed to Zionist-Imperialist expansion throughout the world in general and Zionist barbarism in Palestine in particular.
The purpose of WAC is to develop an effective strategy to combat Zionist-Imperialist aggression.
Contact: Mohamed Omar
Deir Yassin Massacre Remembered
Contact: Rich Siegel
Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel
Contact: Joachim Martillo
Members of Masada 2000 S.H.I.T. List
Contact: Rich Siegel
This group is not racist, sexist, or in any way a "hate group". This group does not condone any of the aforementioned, nor do we condone violence of any kind. This group uses strictly legal means to achieve its goals.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Which schedule do you prefer for WAC conference?
World Antizionist Conference (2-day version) |
Day 0 |
Staff meetings, volunteer orientation, pre-registration |
Day 1 |
7:00 - Registration |
9:00 - Discussion panel |
11:00 - Keynote speech |
12:00 - Lunch |
13:00 - Discussion panel |
15:00 - Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Day 2 |
9:00 - Discussion panel |
11:00 - Keynote speech |
12:00 - Lunch |
13:00 - Discussion panel |
15:00 - Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
17:00 - Awards |
World Antizionist Conference (3-day version) |
Day 0 |
Staff meetings, volunteer orientation, pre-registration |
Day 1 |
7:00 - Registration |
9:00 - Discussion panel |
11:00 - Keynote speech |
12:00 - Lunch |
13:00 - Discussion panel |
15:00 - Discussion panel |
Day 2 |
9:00 - Discussion panel |
11:00 - Keynote speech |
12:00 - Lunch |
13:00 - Discussion panel |
15:00 - Discussion panel |
Day 3 |
10:00 - Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
12:00 - Lunch |
13:00 - Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
15:00 - Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
17:00 - Awards |
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A Simple Note on Imperialist Intervention
A Simple Note on Imperialist Intervention
--- John Paul Cupp, NACAZAI Public Relations Director
With the recent discussions going on regarding Darfur, and the same continuous crap about “humanitarian intervention,” I think it is vitally important to make a clear and blunt point of principles: Imperialism has no legitimacy, does not bring about a better world and must be unconditionally opposed.
While the allegations about a “genocide” in Sudan are just plain stupid, even if these were occurring, it would be an internal matter of the Sudanese people. The fact is the only unconditional solidarity to be properly given in today’s context is unconditional solidarity with resistance to imperialism and Zionism. Even if someone is killing millions of communists, worships the devil, supports Arab “racism,” likes to bomb Shi’a mosques and then churches as a hobby, rapes small children and forces women to wear clothing that they supposedly don’t like and find oppressive, we absolutely must support their resistance to imperialism. While all of these things are certainly distasteful, it is for one’s people alone to punish internal criminals and only in a context that does not open up their country to imperialist intrigues or pretend a bunch of Jews are out there “saving the children.”
From the “holocaust” to Yugoslavia’s supposed Srebrenica “massacre” to north Korea’s supposed “mass prisons” and “starvation” to Darfur to the lie that says Saddam Hussein “gassed the Kurds,” it most certainly is important to tackle and discredit imperialist demonization campaigns against resistant people and the ideologies of Jewish and imperialist power worldwide. However, at the end of the day that is most certainly not where the pillar of our principles should stand. Our pillar should be based upon the recognition of national struggle as class struggle with victory of the nation over imperialism being a prerequisite for the popular classes of such nation fulfilling their social emancipation and national self-determination.
Hence, pretending President Omer Al-Bashir really had purposefully committed mass atrocities in a systematic way, which is a bunch of crap, it is the obligation of the Arab streets to do exactly what they have done and rally behind him as he confronts imperialism and strikes devastating blows and only later and internally to handle the matter of such supposed “crimes.”
The truth is, whatever good was intended by certain progressive and revolutionary nations going along with the formation of the United Nations as a supposed tool of decolonization, it doesn’t even have a right to exist and shouldn’t exist. If resisting states want to use contradictions within the United Nations as a tool, that is their internal matter. However, we simply need to understand that its decrees come from New York and Tel Aviv ultimately, and realize that even if its “human rights” appeals are actually on the side of the oppressed people are completely toothless and do nothing but distract from the most important way to liberate one’s people and defend them: armed struggle and military deterrent force.
Ultimately, the loss of national self-determination and the binding of all nations to the yoke of world imperialism and Zionism is the greatest human rights violation.
humanitarian intervention,
9/11 was NOT an Inside Job!
9/11 was NOT an Inside Job!
--- John Paul Cupp, Public Relations Director of NACAZAI
Sometime back I received an interesting email from an Arabic-speaking colleague containing an article detailing part of the transcripts from a question and answer secession with de facto al-Qa’idah spokesman Sheik Ayman Al-Zawahiri.
Evidentially during a direct question Zawahiri confirmed what all of us at NACAZAI have thought for some time: 9-11 conspiracy-mongering, aside from having no scientific or logical basis, actually works to undermine Islamic resistance to Zionism and imperialism.
Not surprisingly, Zawahiri points the finger directly at hegemonic Iran, which no longer being viewed as some sort of Islamic and "Third World" beacon of resistance, essentially attempted to diminish actual Islamic resistance achievements via spreading such idiocies through al-Manar, station of their puppet group Hezbollah. Their purpose was clear. Aside from a Shi’a sectarianism hell-bent on dominating Islamic resistance and distractions presented as resistance, these forces sought to spread despair throughout the world on the possibility that a few organized Arab Muslims getting together and networking could strike such a tremendous blow to US imperialism.
By presenting 9/11 conspiracy-mongering, aside from making real historical revisionism on the Jewish “holocaust” myth look like insane theories, objectively such forces are promoting an anti-Muslim, Anti-Arab and anti-“Third Worldist” orientalism of the most chauvinistic sort: That a supposedly “backwards” people could never stage such a monumental series of resistance attacks unparalleled in world history. This argument also plays into the line that the war in Afghanistan would be justified had such attacks really occurred without the hidden hand of Zionism and the United States regime, but that this war isn’t justified because Muslims sympathetic to or harbored by the Taliban really weren’t the force behind such attacks. This is utter garbage! The Zionist-occupied regime in D.C attacked Afghanistan first. Couple that with the entire domination of the Muslim Ummah from Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and other places and retaliation against legitimate military targets, i.e. centers of imperialist finance capital, the military industrial complex, and headquarters of the regime itself, no matter the collateral damage, are clearly justified. This is war. Those of us in the United States are literally sitting ducks until we overthrow the regime and destroy Zionist and imperialist political power.
Self-aggrandizing libertarians and paleo-conservatives are hereby given notice, along with all sorts of other wackos, including misguided Muslims and anti-war folks, that their behavior in attempting wipe away the political value of the greatest series of revolutionary military operations, at a time they are justified and more need to occur, simply will not be tolerated.
Our peoples here in the US are ultimately being destroyed. The livelihood, freedom, and ethnic character of whole peoples throughout the world are in jeopardy, and we too share in this miserable fate until we stand up and perform effective tangible resistance. The issue of the reactionary, semi-feudal and sectarian chauvinist social role of al-Qa’idah towards Shi’a, Christians, and others, while worthy of utter condemnation, is an internal issue. While we should support the Iraqi Resistance’s struggle to weed out such elements who wreck their national unity, our primary job is to support anything and everything that is going to bring death to the Zionist-Occupation Government.
Glory to September’s Martyrs!
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